Tag Archive | organization

Three little pigs

Three girls and a husband keep my on my toes!!!! I had the nerve to have all three girls  5-6 years apart.  My girls are everything to me but it is such a juggling act.  My oldest is 10 going on 11.  She is a trip.  If compared to the three little pigs she would definitely build her house of straw.  She is so sweet and compassionate that she can often get blown over, like the first pigs house.  We are working on that though.  She is starting middle school soon and my pumpkin pie has to toughen up!

My second daughter, my sweet pea is 5 going on 6 later this year.  She is definitely the pig that built their house of brick.  Can’t nobody blow her down or tell her anything!!!  She already knows it all!  I can’t wait for her to start school in the fall.  Once she gets into school… she will meet her match.

And the newest addition to the Durham Diva’s is almost a month old.  My Muffin.  She is so sweet but the beginning stages are something else.  With the big gap in the kids I feel like I have forgotten everything.  I know I have forgotten what it feels like to sleep through the night.  I havent done that in what seems like forever!!!!!!!!!!  She is a joy but a lot of work.  The good part is, she is totally worth it. I wonder if she will be the one in the middle that has the personality of the pig that built the house of wood.  Or will she be more like Pumpkin or Sweet pea?  Who knows…

Somehow we managed to mirror the ages of my husband and his siblings with the 5-6 year age differences.  We realized we will have a HS Senior, 6th grader, and a kindergartener in the same year…….  CRAZINESS!!!

While my muffin doesn’t have much going on she has her own doctors appointments, my oldest is in performing arts camp, the middle girl is in daycare but they have 2-3 trips per week that I have to prepare her for.  The daily routine is crazy.  My muffin is the unpredictable one right now just because of her age.  She is the only one that can slap me or scratch my face right now and it’s cute.  The first time she hit me with a right hook I had to remember she was a newborn….. LOL  Cause I don’t play that mommy scared of the child foolishness.  Save that for the cray cray parents on Dr. Phil and the OWN network.  We don’t play that up in here… lol

In a nutshell those are my girls.  My Three little pigs.  I am sure once the school year starts it is really going to get interesting.  I am going back to work in a few weeks and once the kids start activities… it’s going to get hectic.  I am definitely going to need some organization method better than just committing things to memory. That worked with one child.  With two I failed so I know with three I need help.  I often drove up to the school or daycare and they were closed.  SMH.

Any moms of multi kids have any suggestions I am open to ideas.  Although I am sure I will figure it out…. Through it all..

Ciao for now.